Financial Fitness: Your guide to getting ahead

Money is supposed to help you live the life you want and allow you to reach your financial goals pre- and post-retirement. Yet this perfect point of balance eludes most people, and many of us assume they’re incompatible.

In this guide, Hannah McQueen, financial adviser and founder of, shares how you can get ahead financially without sacrificing the things that make you happy. Fill out the form below to download the eBook.

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What’s inside?

  • $The role your money personality plays: Everyone falls into one of three key money personalities: the shopper, saver or plodder, and each will have a different impact on your relationship with money
  • $Hannah McQueen’s 3 rules of money: Your income doesn’t dictate your progress, rather it’s how you are able to save and what you do with that money
  • $Understanding your financial position: To get ahead, you first need to understand where you are now, and what opportunities there are to improve
  • $Making a plan to get ahead: To reach your financial goal, you need to not only know what that goal is, but put in place the right strategies that will help get you there

“Getting ahead can take time. It takes time to work through all the steps and get you achieving the results you are capable of. But doing nothing about your financial future is not an option.”

“If you have no money left at the end of each pay cycle, ask yourself these three questions: Why? Where is my money going? What can I do to change things and start saving?”

“Income levels do not dictate how fast you can get ahead. In fact, often for those on higher incomes, the income itself acts as a deterrent to real progress.”

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