Welcome to enable.me

This page contains important information that you might like to know about us before we begin our journey together. You can read our disclosure information on the web page below, or you can download a PDF version for your records by clicking the download button.

Licence status and conditions

AdviceFirst Limited is licensed by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice services. Our licence number is FSP23242.

AdviceFirst operates under two distinct ‘brands’:

  • AdviceFirst – provides financial advice on Wealth, Insurance and KiwiSaver products through a team of dedicated advisers.
  • enable.me – provides specialised investment planning services provided through a team of dedicated coaches

The information below outlines how advice is provided at enable.me. You can find more information on how AdviceFirst operates here or by downloading our full disclosure document.

Nature and scope of our financial advice

enable.me provides a financial planning service. Our financial advisers will become your financial coach through this journey.

Our programmes include financial advice on strategies to build your wealth, financial management coaching, and cash-flow management. The financial plan is bespoke to each client but usually covers strategies to repay debt, build an investment portfolio, retirement savings plans, effective banking and reducing personal risk through insurance products.

enable.me coaches do not provide advice on which product providers to use. Instead, we refer our clients to specialist financial advisers for the specific product advice and on the most suitable product provider. This includes advice on mortgages, insurance, KiwiSaver, managed funds and direct property investing.

We will only provide advice on products where we have the required competence, knowledge and skill. enable.me is not limited to any one product provider when providing financial advice. If you already have your own financial adviser, we can work with them for this specific advice.

Our coaching programmes are designed specifically to help New Zealand residents.  If you are a non-resident we recommend seeking advice from an adviser in your home country.

Each financial plan is customised to your situation. Your financial coach will provide you with more detail that describes the specific nature and scope of advice as you work with them to design the right plan for you.

Once the plan has been agreed, our role is to help you implement your financial plan and keep on track to achieve your goals and objectives.

Our duties

enable.me’s coaches and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice. We are required to:

  • give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice isn’t materially influenced by our own interests
  • exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you with advice
  • meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we have the expertise needed to provide you with advice)
  • meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care as set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure we treat you as we should, and give you suitable advice).

This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us, or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at: https://www.fma.govt.nz.

The Code of Conduct standards can be viewed here: https://financialadvicecode.govt.nz/ 

Fees, expenses or other amounts payable for our financial advice

We feel it’s important you understand how we charge for our financial plan and ongoing advice.

enable.me operates on a fee-for-service model. We charge a fee to prepare the financial plan and for any financial advice provided to a client.

Initial Consultation

There is an initial consultation fee for the preparation and assessment of your situation, the cost of which is discussed with you and agreed prior to the first meeting. The initial consultation fee is $400 (including GST) – unless discounted for a promotional campaign offer – and is payable by the client 7 days after the invoice is issued. No discount is available to past clients or those residing outside of New Zealand.

Programme Fee

If you choose to work with us on one of our programmes, we will prepare a programme recommendation and plan that is suitable for you and provide you with the fee for that programme. The cost of a programme ranges from approximately $1,399 – $12,499 (including GST). This fee will be payable by the client after the invoice is issued.

Early payment discount or payment terms can be agreed.

When we refer you to external financial advisers for specialist product advice such as mortgage and insurance, they may be eligible to receive commission, bonuses, and non-monetary payments from Product Providers in relation to the sale of such products. Where these apply, they will be disclosed by those advisers to you as part of their disclosure.

The final cost for a client depends on each individual’s situation, the programme you select and the services you require.

How we manage any conflicts of interest or other incentives

Our coaches work closely with the financial advisers at AdviceFirst to help you find the most suitable product provider and products to suit your financial plan. If you follow their recommendations and acquire a financial product, then AdviceFirst may receive a commission payment.

AdviceFirst does not provide Mortgage advice so we work with Squirrel Mortgages if clients need help finding the most suitable product provider and product to suit their financial plan.

If you use Squirrel then AdviceFirst may receive an introduction fee, referral fee or commission split payment from them.

Momentum Realty 2023 Ltd – a real estate agency created to help clients find their perfect investment property – is owned by AdviceFirst.

You are under no obligation to use any of these advisers; we can work with your existing financial adviser if you choose.

Our financial coaches are salaried employees. To ensure that our financial advisers prioritise the client’s interest above their own, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made on the basis of the client’s goals and circumstances.

All our financial advisers undergo annual training about how to manage conflicts of interest.

We also undertake an independent compliance audit and review of our compliance programme annually by a reputable compliance consultancy firm.

Internal complaints process

If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of the financial advice you have received from us, you may contact us using any of the following means: in writing, by telephone or by email. Here are our contact details:


Company Name enable.me
Attention The Complaints Officer
Address Level 4, 165 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland
Telephone 09 303-1306
Email address complaints@enable.me
Website www.enable.me

Our complaint handling process

When we receive a complaint, we will handle it in accordance with our internal complaints process.

  • We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. We may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 15 working days of receiving them. If we can’t, we will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
  • We will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.

Dispute resolution process

If we can’t resolve your complaint, or if we haven’t resolved it to your satisfaction, you can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme. This scheme provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint if we haven’t been able to do so to your satisfaction.

You can contact the IFSO Scheme by:


Company Name Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme
Postal Address PO Box 10-845, Wellington, 6143
Telephone 0800 888 202 (freephone if within New Zealand) or
+64 499 7612 (if calling outside New Zealand)
Email Address info@ifso.nz 
Website https://www.ifso.nz/ 

Contact Details

AdviceFirst Limited (FSP23242), trading as enable.me, holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) to provide financial advice.

Please note all calls are recorded.

You can contact us at:
Level 4, 165 The Strand
Parnell, Auckland 1010
Phone: 09 303-1306
