Client Call Recording
Client Call Recording participates in hundreds of calls a week with clients and/or their providers that may include sensitive information. Call recording is an important activity to ensure our client service and advice meets expectations and is consistent from both an ongoing improvement and compliance perspective.
Why do we record calls?
We record calls:
• for crew training purposes
• to improve the quality of our client service
• to ensure the information we provide is consistent and accurate
• to ensure we have an accurate record of a call in the event of a complaint or dispute.
What calls do we record?
All calls made and received by coaches and service teams are recorded. These include inbound calls to our 0800 number.
What happens if you do not want your call recorded?
Please tell our crew member if you do not want your call with recorded. We will delete your call and confirm that the call has been deleted in writing to you.
How can you contact if you do not want your call recorded?
You can contact us by emailing
Where are recorded calls stored?
Recorded calls are securely stored in the Microsoft Azure Centre in Sydney, Australia.
How long do we save recorded calls?
Calls are stored securely for up to ten years after the date of the call and will be securely destroyed at that time.
Who has access to your call recording?
Call recordings are accessible only by managers and only for the purposes above.
Can you request a copy of a call recording?
Yes. You have the right to request access to and correction of any personal information that we hold about you. You can request a copy of your call recording and the recording may be disclosed in full or in part in response to requests made under the Privacy Act 2020. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis with the privacy interests of any of our crew involved being given due consideration. The call recording requested will be evaluated before being provided but unless we have a lawful reason for withholding this information, we will provide you with access to the call recording.